Home Assistant 2024.12.0b6 Release
- knocki를 0.4.2로 업데이트(@joostlek - #129261)
- holidays를 0.62로 업데이트(@gjohansson-ST - #132108)
- thinqconnect를 1.0.2로 업데이트(@LG-ThinQ-Integration - #132131)
- 로컬로 처리된 의도를 추적합니다(@jpbede - #132166)
- 리코더 "year" 기간에서 윤년 수정(@peteh - #132167)
- entity 이름이 hassil 템플릿이 아닌지 확인합니다(@synesthesiam - #132184)
- 구글 포토 통합에서 예외 메시지의 오타 수정(@lunmay - #132194)
- netdata에서 차단 호출 수정(@cnico - #132209)
- unifiprotect에 대한 RTSP 수리 방지수정(@RaHehl - #132212)
- yt-dlp를 2024.12.03으로 업데이트(@joostlek - #132220)
- deebot-client를 9.1.0으로 업데이트(@edenhaus - #132253)
- frontend를 20241127.4로 업데이트(@bramkragten - #132268)
- 브로커가 연결되지 않았을 때 MQTT 구독이 가능하도록 보장합니다(@jbouwh - #132)
원문 내용
- Bump knocki to 0.4.2 (@joostlek - #129261)
- Bump holidays to 0.62 (@gjohansson-ST - #132108)
- Bump thinqconnect to 1.0.2 (@LG-ThinQ-Integration - #132131)
- Track if intent was processed locally (@jpbede - #132166)
- Fix recorder "year" period in leap year (@peteh - #132167)
- Ensure entity names are not hassil templates (@synesthesiam - #132184)
- Fix typo in exception message in google_photos integration (@lunmay - #132194)
- Fix blocking call in netdata (@cnico - #132209)
- fix: unifiprotect prevent RTSP repair for third-party cameras (@RaHehl - #132212)
- Bump yt-dlp to 2024.12.03 (@joostlek - #132220)
- Bump deebot-client to 9.1.0 (@edenhaus - #132253)
- Update frontend to 20241127.4 (@bramkragten - #132268)
- Ensure MQTT subscriptions can be made when the broker is disconnected (@jbouwh - #132
링크 : https://github.com/home-assistant/core/releases/tag/2024.12.0b6