Xpenology rr Loader 24.12.5 Release


  1. UEFI 메뉴에서 항목을 전환할 때 메뉴가 깜빡이는 문제를 수정했습니다(24.12.3에서).
  2. 비-DT 모델에서 USB 디스크가 내부 디스크로 잘못 인식되는 문제를 수정했습니다.
  3. "고급 설정 -> USB 디스크를 내부 디스크로:" 옵션을 추가했습니다(비-DT 모델 전용).
  4. "모델 선택" 메뉴에 더 많은 안내 정보를 추가했습니다.
  5. atlantic 드라이버를 2.5.12로 업데이트했습니다.
  6. hdddb 애드온을 v3.5.106로 업데이트했습니다. 감사합니다 @007revad
  7. i915le10th 애드온을 업데이트했습니다. 명시적으로 지원되지 않는 ID를 제거했습니다.

  1. Fixed the problem that the UEFI menu may flash when switching entries in the UEFI menu (from 24.12.3).
  2. Fixed the problem that USB disks are incorrectly recognized as internal disks,
  3. Added "Advanced menu -> USB disk as internal disk:" option (only for non-DT models).
  4. Added more prompt information to the "Choose a model" menu.
  5. Updated atlantic driver to 2.5.12.
  6. Updated hdddb addon to v3.5.106, Thanks @007revad
  7. Updated i915le10th addon. Removed some explicitly unsupported IDs.

전체 변경 내역: 24.12.4...24.12.5

원문 내용

  1. 修复在部分环境中 UEFI 模式 grub 菜单切换条目时闪烁的问题 (from 24.12.3).
  2. 修复非DT型号 USB 磁盘可能错误识别为内部磁盘的问题,
  3. 添加 "高级设置 -> USB 磁盘作为内置磁盘:" 可选项(only for no-DT models).
  4. 还原 "选择型号" 菜单中的更多提示信息.
  5. 更新 atlantic 驱动到 2.5.12.
  6. 更新 hdddb 插件 v3.5.106, Thanks @007revad
  7. 更新 i915le10th 插件, 移除部分明确不支持的 IDs.

  1. Fixed the problem that the UEFI menu may flash when switching entries in the UEFI menu (from 24.12.3).
  2. Fixed the problem that USB disks are incorrectly recognized as internal disks,
  3. Added "Advanced menu -> USB disk as internal disk:" option (only for non-DT models).
  4. Added more prompt information to the "Choose a model" menu.
  5. Updated atlantic driver to 2.5.12.
  6. Updated hdddb addon to v3.5.106, Thanks @007revad
  7. Updated i915le10th addon. Removed some explicitly unsupported IDs.

Full Changelog: 24.12.4...24.12.5

링크 : https://github.com/RROrg/rr/releases/tag/24.12.5