Xpenology rr Loader 24.4.4 Release


  1. 24.4.3 버전에서 P3 파티션 자동 확장 실패 문제를 수정했습니다. (P3 파티션 라벨이 손실되어 부트 디스크 손상 문제 발생).

  1. Fixed the issue of automatic expansion failure in the P3 partition in version 24.4.3. (Caused by the loss of P3 partition label resulting in boot disk damage).

다음 버전부터는 6.2 버전의 지원이 제거되며, DS3615xs, RS3413xs+의 지원도 제거됩니다.
Support for 6.2 will be removed from the next version, and support for DS3615xs, RS3413xs+ will also be removed.

전체 변경 내역: 24.4.3...24.4.4

원문 내용

  1. 修复 24.4.3 中 p3 分区自动扩容失败问题, (P3分区标签丢失导致的引导盘损毁问题).

  1. Fixed 24.4.3 p3 partition auto expand failed problem. (P3 partition label lost caused boot disk damaged problem).

从下个版本将移除 6.2 的支持,同时移除 DS3615xs, RS3413xs+ 的支持.
Support for 6.2 will be removed from the next version, and support for DS3615xs, RS3413xs+ will also be removed.

Full Changelog: 24.4.3...24.4.4

링크 : https://github.com/RROrg/rr/releases/tag/24.4.4